A popular Nollywood actor Jim Iyke was harshly criticized by some Nigerians for fleeing from Liberia without having been tested for Ebola.
Earlier today Jim Iyke posted a photo of himself wearing an expensive Ebola mask and a message on his Instagram page saying he had cut short a business trip to Monrovia in Liberia. The luxury image of Iyke in stark contrast to the thousands of terrified Liberians who are living in fear of lapsing into the deadly illness sparked outrage among Nigerian citizens.
Twitter user @Avariberry posted a message reading: ‘Jim Iyke or Not… he gotta be screened. #TestJimIyke.‘
Another concerned citizen @IcallDibbz_ said: ‘Please ooo, James Ikechukwu, aka Jim Iyke, should be quarantined.’
Others picked up on the fact Iyke had an expensive face mask to protect himself, but was wearing a short-sleeved T-shirt.
Yesterday sad news came from Sierra Leone, saying the country top doctor who got infected with the Ebola virus while attending his patients died himself days after having tested positive.
Meanwhile, Nigerians also got alerted last week after the man from Liberia with Ebola symptoms, who has been allowed to board an international flight from Liberia to Nigeria, passed away at a Lagos hospital.
Nigeria health officials are in the process of tracing 30,000 people at risk of contracting the disease after coming into contact with the Liberian man.
Ebola is transmitted through close contact with the blood, secretions, organs or other bodily fluids of infected animals, and in many parts of West Africa people are being told to cover as much of their body as possible to ensure the infection doesn’t enter their bloodstream through a small cut.
source: naij.com